Dr Ian Lambert visits Swan Christian College

On Thursday, 25 May 2023, Dr Ian Lambert returned to visit the Swan Christian College (SCC) campus, taking time to catch up with staff past and present, speak to the student leaders and take a tour of the ever-expanding campus on Great Northern Highway.

Not many staff at SCC today were present during Dr Lambert’s time as College Principal from 1998 to 2004.

However, the legend of Dr Lambert’s time at SCC is immense. His tenure is often referred to as ‘one of the golden generations of Swan’ due to his tremendous influence in academia, community building and spiritual growth for the College. 

Indigenous affairs, a focus of the Christian witness in the local community and the power of Christian schools working together formed the basis of Dr Lambert’s success for the school in Middle Swan, which now boasts more than 1500 student enrolments in 2023.
“I was young, I didn’t really know much about what I was doing”, said Dr Lambert humbly, “but you all supported me, and the result was something very special.”

In 2008, Dr Lambert moved to Sydney to begin his role as Principal of The Scots College in Sydney, an elite all-boys school with more than 2,000 enrolments. He has remained close to many of the SCEA staff with whom he built friendships during the early 2000s, and some have even travelled across the Nullabor to work for Ian at the New South Wales (NSW) campuses.

Dr Lambert and his wife Alison enjoyed a tour of the College, with many of the more recent additions to the College (the Swan Trade Training Centre, the hospitality wing and the sports centre) all coming to fruition after Dr Lambert’s time at Swan.

His ability to galvanise parents, students and staff in transforming a community shaped by Christian education was greatly valued by the SCEA staff and parents at this time.

Unfortunately Dr Graeme Cross (Chief Executive Officer – SCEA) and the SCC College Principal Dr Darnelle Pretorius were not present at the visit due to their pre-arranged trip to the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and New South Wales (NSW) as part of a SCEA Research Trip.

Below is a short video of part of Dr Lambert’s speech and some photos from the visit.

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