CSA Marketers gather at SCEA Head Office to learn how to measure their value in Christian education

With the Christian Schools Australia (CSA) office for Western Australia now based at the SCEA Head Office site in Midland, it provides a convenient space for CSA meetings that involve SCEA and similarly-aligned Christian schools to meet and discuss departmental matters across schools.

On Tuesday, 28 March 2023, selected schools (including Lake Joondalup Baptist College, The King’s School, Hillside Christian College, as well as each of the seven SCEA schools) met to hear from Alecia Hancock about digital marketing and the most effective methods for utilising social media platforms in our schools, such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Her presentation contained many of the ‘buzz words’ in social media, including ‘likes’, ‘hashtags’, ‘filters’ and ‘paid campaigns’.

The second presentation was a spotlight on the success of the Swan Christian College (SCC) enrolment forecasting system, which was developed by Mr Steven Wellbeloved (Head of Advancement – SCC) to track enrolments historically and determine trends in each area of the College.

“The data notifies us of where we have been and identifies where we can go as a College,” said Mr Wellbeloved.

“The forecasts provide a snapshot for the College leaders as a basis for decision-making in areas of expansion and capital projects for the College.”

“With the heightened importance of the customer journey now taking precedence in our marketing strategies, we need to look ahead to metrics that reflect parents and families who will start with us, grow with us, and finish well in our school systems.”

The event allowed the marketers to network with new faces across the Christian school sector in Perth, with a number of first-time attendees coming along to learn more and share about their school’s enrolment techniques and trends during the pandemic and beyond.

Special thanks to CSA’s Western Australian representatives, Mrs Jess Kapitola and Mr Dave Stevens, who hosted the morning and allowed time for all participants to contribute to an excellent session for all marketers, enrolment staff and communication specialists across CSA schools in Perth!

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