New Staff Induction for SCEA employees begins the 2023 year in style!

A group of 100 new SCEA employees spent time at the SCEA Office (Padbury Terrace in Midland) to learn about the history of SCEA, the different roles and departments that make up the SCEA Office and the vision for us as Christian educators in 2023.

Friday, 20 January 2023 saw approximately 50 staff from Swan Christian College (SCC), Southern Hills Christian College (SHCC), and the SCEA Office enjoy free coffee and an information session from SCEA senior leaders in the morning. After a tour of the facilities and a lunch break, support staff (all non-teaching staff) headed back to their respective SCEA work sites for the rest of the day.

The teaching staff remained at the SCEA Office for a session run by Dr Gregg Weaver (Chief Education Officer), which outlined some of the distinctives of Christian education in our SCEA system.

On Monday 23 January 2023, the same process took place with approximately 50 staff from Beechboro Christian School (BCS), Ellenbrook Christian College (ECC), Kalamunda Christian School (KCS), Mundaring Christian College (MCC) and Northshore Christian Grammar School (NCGS).

Each participant (on both days) was given a ‘Welcome Pack’ which included a letter from the Chief Executive Officer (Dr Graeme Cross), a calendar of the year with a list of important dates, a SCEA organisational chart, a ‘Mission, Vision & Values’ booklet, a ‘Quicklinks’ page with contact information for each department in SCEA, a SCEA notepad, a SCEA pen and a Gospel-Inspired booklet pertinent to their area of expertise (teaching or support).

Graeme Cross outlined some of the historical beginnings of SCEA through the ‘SCEA Pioneers’ video and proceeded to speak to the goals that SCEA schools should strive towards in nurturing young people in this modern age.

Gregg took time to work with the teaching staff during the afternoon sessions to instill the SCEA commitment to quality teaching and learning in each of our classrooms.

The afternoon sessions featured :

  • A commitment to gospel-focused mission

Unpacking of the “Good News” and our calling to mission, namely one that enables children and young people to flourish and enjoy the abundance of life through the wholeness that comes when we encounter the person and teaching of Jesus. 

  • Living out a gospel-shaped life

Exploring a little of what ‘Formation’ and ‘Redemption’ mean personally, as we are reminded by the likes of Paulo Freire, “I cannot be a teacher without exposing who I am.”

  • Creating a gospel-infused culture

Culture is what you practice, promote and permit.

  • Effecting Gospel-inspired learning & teaching

Intentionally working toward meaningful integration of faith and learning with the soon-to-be published SCEA Gospel-Inspired Teaching and Learning Framework.

Below are just a few snapshots from the two days set aside to welcome new staff into SCEA for 2023.

To view the SCEA Pioneers video which traces the ’40 Year History’ of the SCEA schools, click here:

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