Steady enrolments continue growth for Northshore Christian Grammar School

SCEA’s most northern school in the coastal suburb of Alkimos turns 6 this year, and Principal Mr Stuart Chisholm cannot believe the number of new families that are choosing to walk through the front doors and call Northshore ‘home’ for their schooling lives.

“It’s just an amazing blessing. I’ve been blessed with a great staff since the school was founded in 2017. Before that, the team that worked tirelessly to cast the vision for a SCEA school in the northern suburbs and making it a reality was just amazing. It’s really a great example of Christians coming together to achieve something special as Christians in our community,” said Mr Chisholm this week.

Northshore began with 52 enrolments on Day One in 2017, and today there are 537 enrolments at the Scotthorn Drive campus. Local churches now meet on-site at Northshore on weekends, the Fathering Project has grown each year and the positive impact on families is evident. Foundational staffer Mrs Richelle Schokman is often the first sight that students see each morning as she welcomes families at the front gate with a smile.

“Standing in the playground I look around and sometimes I feel emotional as I consider the amazing community of students, staff and parents that have flourished at Northshore. From such small beginnings, the school has grown to become not just an encouraging place of learning for so many students, but a safe place for families to be supported and loved –  all in God’s name.”

With Northshore ushering in its first Year 12 cohort in 2023, the school will be ‘full-functioning’ as a Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 educational institution. Its first graduating class will be historic, having had the title of Pioneering Cohort for the school that has embraced the suburbs of Shorehaven, Yanchep and Butler.

“All of our SCEA schools are in a great season,” said Mr Chisholm yesterday, “I think the growth rate across our group is about 8% despite the COVID environment. That’s just incredible and it’s worth celebrating.”

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