Sock of the Week : Richelle Schokman

With all the wild and woolly weather we have been experiencing lately, you would be forgiven for thinking that most of our teachers are trying their best to stay indoors. 

For the foundational team at Northshore who are energetically building community and demonstrating the ‘Northshore difference’, the work to reach new students and existing families never seems to end.

Dean of Students at Northshore, Richelle Schokman, spent last Saturday visiting a sick student who has not been able to get into school for some time. If this was not enough, a fellow teacher needed a resource from Koorong and so Richelle then headed south to the Mount Lawley store to purchase the book.  The day was topped off by a trip to see a family who was in quarantine after flying in from the United Kingdom and drop off some supplies and some school work.  What a day!

Congratulations to Richelle for your Sock of the Week honours!  Richelle was nominated by a fellow teacher who thought that she had gone above and beyond and deserved a level of recognition for all of her efforts.

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