SCC hosts local Chamber of Commerce Breakfast with fast cars and TikTok influencers!

A visit to the SCEA Office by Mr Michael Matich (Crooked Spire Coffee House owner and President of the Swan Chamber of Commerce) and Mr Tom Smilovits (Chief Executive Officer, Swan Chamber of Commerce) and the organisational expertise of Mr Steven Wellbeloved (Head of Advancement, Swan Christian College) gave rise to an audacious breakfast concept that saw 300 people experience a collaborative experience bringing together school students, staff and business professionals last week.

The initial discussions around the event at the SCEA Office.

Sponsorship of the event by Midland’s enabled high-end automobiles to grace the grounds of SCC (car enthusiasts will spot the McLaren and Corvette in the photos below) as students posed for selfies before the main event.

Catering for the 300 participants was all in a day’s work for SCC Hospitality’s Chef Supérieur Mr Rob De Carmo, who marshalled his team with precision as the gathered crew of school students from nine local schools and business professionals enjoyed music and presentations from local acts and entrepreneurs.
A Question & Answer panel featuring Principal Mr Leo Surjan (Principal – Governor Stirling Senior High School), Mr Darren Linton (Managing Director -Hanssen Construction), Mr Seva Mozhaev (TikTok Content Creator) and Dr Darnelle Pretorius (College Principal – Swan Christian College) allowed for the conversation to move between opportunities for school students after they graduate, life in the workforce and the changing face of industries in the post-pandemic era.

A survey of the room revealed that approximately 200 local business owners and employees were in attendance, 100 school students from several schools were dotted around the tables, and the entire event was concluded by 9am in time for a day of school classes and work for everyone involved.
It was a wonderful occasion, with students sitting with local councillors and business owners, sharing life stories. Plans are already underway for a similar event in 2024.

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