Change my SCEA password? Why?

The recent news media reports outlining ‘hacks’ or online breaches of system security in Australian companies Optus and Medicare have led to school Boards and government institutions asking questions about cybersecurity for their students, staff, clients and employees.

At a recent Senior Leadership Team (SLT) meeting, the decision was made to prompt SCEA staff to change their password regularly throughout the year in an effort to deter breaches from external parties.

Moving forward, all SCEA staff will be prompted to change their login passwords each term to assist with these security protocols.

Our hope is that this will enable the most basic methods of external attacks upon our system to be stalled or even prevented.

Our SCEA ICT Team will continue to work to ensure that the best forms of cybersecurity can be maintained for the benefit of our SCEA staff, students and parents.

Stay tuned for more details in the new year about these ICT improvements.

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