SCC’s heat-beating measures bring the Channel 7 cameras to Middle Swan

The lunchtime crowds across the Swan Christian College (SCC) campus may have spotted the presence of a news crew from Channel 7 speaking to SCC Principal Dr Darnelle Pretorius and the School Captains yesterday.

While many of us were soaking up the sun during the December/January break, the SCC Facilities Staff were busy installing air-conditioning units, setting up ICT connections and painting up classroom spaces in readiness for Term 1, 2024.

With the heat wave closing some schools across Perth this week, the news of SCC’s measures to combat the oppressive conditions reached Channel 7, which sent a team out to hear from Dr Pretorius yesterday about practices that her staff were implementing to ensure that student learning is maintained throughout this heatwave.

Dr Pretorius fronted the cameras with examples of teachers caring for students by providing flexible learning environments, Dr Bartell was keen to demonstrate to staff and students the commitment to upgrades across the Great Northern Highway site:

“We are a team that remains fully committed to improving the learning environment for our staff and students. It is exciting to see how well the staff and students are responding to these positive changes, particularly the cooler spaces, which have been greatly beneficial during this last week.”

Like all of the hard-working administrative teams across SCEA schools, SCC is not content with making the headlines, dedicating itself to continuous improvement of the working environment for its staff.

The list of achievements from Dr Bartell demonstrates the significant work that was undertaken by staff and contractors to enhance the learning spaces:

– Swan Christian College Junior School Music Room has been transformed into a new Year 4 classroom with improved lighting, Audio-Visual (AV), flooring, ventilation, and new furniture.
– Two new purpose-built tutor rooms in place of the previous Physical Education office.
– The senior School Design and Technology (O) block was upgraded.
The northern Work Area has a new roof with added insulation.
– Electrical enhancements, including an upgraded power supply, switchboard, and LED lighting.
– A new outdoor workspace for hands-on projects.
– New air conditioning in several classrooms.
– A state-of-the-art music room in the Maali (I) Block’s theatre recess enriches and expands the performing arts area.

“We are now in the planning phase for the next lot of upgrades,” said Dr Bartell yesterday.

“We are so blessed to have a capable design team, experienced consultants and a talented group of staff members to provide valuable input in ensuring that our upgrades continue to be fit for purpose.”

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