Scarf of the Week: Dania Woermann

Dania Woermann – Secondary Science Teacher at Ellenbrook Christian College

“Europeans love scarves! I try to integrate it into my professional attire whenever I can.”

Born in Switzerland to German parents and emigrating to Australia at the age of 7, Dania Woermann can be forgiven for being so forthright in her views about fashion, faith and finding happiness working with teenagers.

“I can’t help it.  It’s the German side of me. Organised, disciplined and direct .”

Dania became a Christian through an uncommon form of evangelism in Australia – meeting the people who share your street with you.  Pastors from a congregation in Churchlands lived next door to Dania’s family and despite none of the Woermann’s being Christian, they attended the church and felt convicted of the saving faith of Jesus Christ.

“I started teaching at Ellenbrook Christian and then went to California to study at a Bible college for three years.  I returned to Ellenbrook in 2014 and have been happy teaching Science and Christian Living to young people who want to know more about the world around them.”

Dania works with Chaplain Darren Peakall on Wisdom Wednesdays which features guest speakers and local youth pastors coming to speak to students about life after school.

“Its been amazing during my time here at Ellenbrook seeing young people grow in their outlook on Christianity.  Some of these students are now active in YWAM, Baptist denominations and at Kingdom City.  Its great to see them grow so much from their early days here at Ellenbrook.  Its quite special to see how far some of these outstanding young people have come.”

Keep an eyes out for Dania Woermann’s Swiss scarves anytime you’re at Ellenbrook. Next time : Socks Up North !

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